Saturday, April 29, 2006

pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain

arghhhhhhhhh =(

i think i ate smthg wrong!

stomach is really super PAIN now! =(


practically am rotting at home today.
ate PIZZAHUT's PIZZA for the whole day
breakfast,lunch and dinner =/
eerrrr. think that's the reason for the GREAT PAIN.

i really cant continue blogging.
it's pain! hahahahaha.
omg~!!! pain pain pain pain pain..


rot at home. saw many ppl that i knew and they knew me
during the news today..
cos of the work ive done earlier on.
it's a good thing. haha

tiring... it's tiring..
feel like keep sleeping for the whole day..

shld i straighten back my hair? =/
lols.. *wonders*

went to RE to pass my last timesheet.
then went to orchard.

met up with liting first.
haha. after her lessons.
while waiting, some like those fake and bluffing ppl
approached me and say wad wanna find those new faces
for advertisment etc.
when she approached me, her first sentence is "are you a singaporean?' =.=
and i rejected.

so went to tangs to buy clinque clarifying lotion first.
then walked to taka's library.
then liqi reached..

so went to help her change her flip flop
and walked around.

am abit stress today. so sorry to liting n liqi
if i appear weird ar...
stress over sch ar~~~~
and kendo =/

shall update again..

Thursday, April 27, 2006

i dont want to be in this kind of situation now..
hais )=


my mouth ucler is killing me
so pain can~

fri sat sun mon no sch =D
but tmr got kendo..
shld i join? hais =(

tmr need to go pass timesheet.
only one day pay.. sadded ar~


shall update more~

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

finally saw somewhere that sells levi's watch. lols
and suddenly saw quite afew people wearing that =/
is like the most common one is adidas.

but anyway, i like the design.
but not sure to get it or not =X lols..

it's kinda EXP

and i like the limited edition adidas sneaker!

EXP too =X

lessons and lessons.
man. mouth is the most posionous thing.
comments and stuff came out from mouth.

is just whether how u control it and how u comment on
someone or something.

u have the right to comment, i have the right too.
unless u're so perfect in everything, then i'll accept
ur comments super willingly.
if i wanna comment on you, i can comment more on you.

looks,way of walking,talking and stuff.

and.. im sensitive to these things nor.

was super tired in sch today.
the air con make me super sleepy =.=

hope jace is ok now.
really dont mind it ytd. really really =(

then after sch, went to cwp with huqi.
ate at pastamania. yummy~! =D

then walked ard waiting for liqi.
then saw serene. she's waiting for sherill and chenghoon
so we ended up keep chatting here and there.
then sherill joined in too when she reached.
it's fun chatting with old frens (=

then went home le. cos liqi still didn't call us. =/

tired ar~ lols.

workload, stress, tb load is heavy.

in the LRT, saw shiqi! haha
at first dunno is her.. miss her~ =X

saw raymond and alan at nyp already.
besides cheryl ong and serene.

but still, the ppl from zss in nyp is super few till
can use finger to count finish already.=
sad case..

Monday, April 24, 2006

6 modules im currently taking now :

. macroeconomics
.principle of marketing
.statistics theory for business
.oral communication
.web technologies.

oh man. i just dislike web technologies. imagine u think to memorise what's IP address and domain name, dial up modem and internet and stuff. omg! *roll eyes*

and.... man! i wasn't listening to the lectures today. macro is a no-no to me. atleast, marketing sounds quite ok to me. man.. *faints*

and the guys in my class is really a joker! JOKER. omg~! they're like the clowns of our class entertaining other classes. they sang the jewel in the palace song and what's their ending? the one singing have to come up infront to ans qns. hahahaha..

2 of them came up infront to ans qns. funny man~ =/

anyway, just had lectures all the way.
then there's 3 girls sitting behind me. firstly, they tap on me to ask what's my perm. so i replied body perm. and they commented nice (= thankiex.
then they asked if whether we need to scan our card again and 3 of them asked together if i came from HONGKONG. eeh?? then i say no and they said 'then singaporean?' hahahaha. omg~! i look like someone coming from hongkong? =S

then after lecture. continue to buy some tb. it's EXPENSIVE =.=

went home after that.
and went to CC to sign my timesheet.
ate full, and slept till 6. omg~!
cant go kendo today le )=
oh no~ nvm. i'll accompanied liying on fri. haha. someone i knew in kendo and is from nursing =D

ok. off to watch superband!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha

anyway, did i mentioned that angela called out to me ytd at minitoons? it's nice of her (=

Saturday, April 22, 2006

<---- bday wishlist is up. got nth better to do. =/
scroll down
<---- =)
been one week of school already.
kinda settling down each day.
but the tbs and notes is not SETTLED yet.

friday. went back to sch to collect admin card.
the photo is ugly! lols.
then was intending to buy tbs but all are out of stock. =.=
then went to eat at sch de food junction.

then valarie suddenly asked what type of guys we like.
lols. and her type is really SUPER SPECIAL. hahahaha.
then valarie and yiping went home first.
accompanied kelly and sijia until 6pm which is
the foreign bodies (hip hop) cca audition.

both of them kept saying that i looked like those
that knows how to dance... =.= dots.
and the senior from foreign bodies nearly called me
to go audition. keep telling me to go go go =.=

then gave support to kelly and sijia and
went to Kendo orientation with yiling and her fren ,SK.

man. it's not kendo orientation but is kendo training.
alot of ppl joins. marjority is guys. =/

learnt quite alot of things.
such as the manner,the steps to squat correctly and greet
then sensei great etc.
the different commands such as oneigashima and arigato gozaimasu.
it's actually fun except for the sliding part.
dont get used to it. so get kinda stressed over it =X

but then at the end, the cost of KENDO hestitates us from whether to join anot. it cost 150 for now and another 600 after 6mths training. omg~!!!!!!! =(

so the seniors tell us that we can actually consider over if wanna join or not. then meanwhile still joining in for the training sessions. and they are nice to ask if wanna join them for dinner after training. haha=D

learnt alot of things =) and make afew more new friends from kendo. mainly are gals from nursing. haha XD

got home at 10+. arghhhhhhh... =(

nth much. slack and eat whole day at grandma hse.
really need to thanks kelly! tmrw going to get the macroeconomics notes from her FOC!
cos i havent get the book and the lecturer need us to read chapter1 by mon. =/

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

wednesday.. it's fast!
36 more days to my birthday. haha
frens, who wanna celebrate with me? seems that no frens celebrate bday with me before. lols!

schooling today. stomach groaned during com lab session. luckily not that loud! hais.
studied IT web and internet. omg~! all about domain names,IP address etc. *faints* somemore common test on this is near~

then had lunch. STUPID~! peak hours again. it's fully packed. and we need to takeaway and eat at shelter AGAIN~

after lunch, walked to our tutorial room. and guess what? our tutor is not here today!!! muahahha. means today no lesson and there will be make up session. means we are released at 12! so we together went to the cca crawl. super crowded and noisy inside the sports hall. was walking ard aimlessly. then joined kendo. many many ccas to choose from! hahahaha. was actually intending to join sakuran japanese cultural club too. but didn't. shall see how then le nor.

stayed back at the sports hall with sijia and kelly. cos both of them wanted to join foreign bodies which is hip hop dance and at 1.30 there will be a performance by them. so both sijia and kelly wanted to watch.
so accompanied them as later also got rehearsal. was standing there and suddenly someone grabbed my neck from behind. i was shocked and turned away and it was xavier. pls man... =.=

he joined bball and need to get through selection. tsk tsk tsk. lols. may he not be selected =X
and huiqi, he gotten a green crumpler bag! the giina with 3 strain of hairs. lols. he's rich. say wanna buy and really bought it. lols....

and then kelly say sijia is interested in xavier. intro intro to sijia. hahahahahaha. lols..

and after all these. my mood was suddenly super low .. superx3.
and both kelly and me did smthg =X im uneasy.

go home with kelly.
got home rest abit then go orchard. in the bus alone and liqi called me. so she is joining me =D
but sorry ne.. make liqi came to orchard with a heavyx3 bag and then she nvr buy anything.. sorry o...
bought a guys' sweater. heartache now~

then back to fajar mac. liqi doing her hmwrk. ate mac and then liting joined us.
then i go off first.


Monday, April 17, 2006

i kinda unwell so didn't went for the discussion session on saturday. the marketing performing group.
i think this sure kinda pissed alloy off =X

then at home resting and rotting..
then went to find nurul they all at the cc at ard 4+ 5..
then after awhile go grandma hse.


nothing much. went to grandma hse.
i think ive been eating alot of junkfood.
ytd was mac's
today was kfc.
my gosh~


first day of school. dont feel like first day of school. even worse, i dont feel like im studying. more to having some talks or whatever~. lols!
met up with my classmates and we head to the lecture hall.
had macroeconomics and then followed by principles of marketing.
the textbooks is reallllyyyyy expensive and it only use for 1 semester. can u imagine? one tb is ard 39. man~!
this is really dying~! plus notes! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

it's really very saddening to hear that gui shan and huiwen dont belong to our class. =( the bonding we already make during the orientation. now it's gone and they have to go to a brand new class =(
maybe cheney is not staying in our class too. she's pretty with big round eyes =D

was released at 10.30 instead of 11 cos the lecturer for principles of marketing which is also my personal mentor dont wanna teach today. she gave us breaktime, then watch videos and commerical and it ends our day!! yoooohoo~
who knows later on kelly and me is going for rehearsal =(
then bought 2 notes today first. internet and web and poa.
omg~! it's POA again~!!!!!!

then my CPF board sup sms me. yati asked me to work for today.
cos there's not enough manpower
so skipped the rehearsal =X no choice! =( hais. felt bad.
i think alloy is really mad at us.

sorry to yiling .. cos she intend to eat lunch together with us but who knows in the end everyone wanted to go home. sorry~!
anyway i wanted to join kendo! noa sam bear is joining and maybe yiling is joining too =D

so worked after sch. tiring!
ate junk food again. long john~ =X
then when wanna take mrt back to cck saw cheryl ong going to sch!arghhhh.... cheryl ong!!!!
hard to contact her man..

may lucify gets in. as well as si nou bi

Friday, April 14, 2006

yesterday was tiring and quite fun.
got school at 8.45. met up with my classmates and then we proceed to be assemble.
starting with cheers and cheers and cheers. tiring~!
whatever clap,adidas clap etc..

then started playing water games!
hahaha. i was totally WET!
cos i together with cheney and a malay gal joined the guys' team.
and our attacker from other class is more at the guys' side.
so i was WET totally and get file. haha

then was playing the water mine game and then had lunch.
ate lunch at the canteen.

after that we played the amazing race. it's tiring.
we need to hold each other's hand or put hands on the shoulder
and complete mission given.
some seniors will be the ''terroists'' and they will catch anyone
when they see u letting go. they are cunning too. ''terroists'' will pretend to say excuse me and try to squeeze through to make u let go of ur hand. hahaha. cunning~

the most tiring is when we need to walk to sch of engineering! to find the bball court! argh~!
tiring with our bags on somemore.

then after that is the business game and that ends our day.

yingying and me was afew of our class representative that needs to perform together with other marketing class' representative. gona represent marketing course for performance. haiya~!!!!
and this coming wed is the audition. zzzz if we get in successfully, we will need to perform at jam n hop.
our class mr and ms freshie also need to go through auditions. hhmmmm.. haha

so left the poly at ard 7+ going to 8. hais. late~ poly is kinda quiet already. haha
was tired.
took train home with yingying and huiqi (=

need to go sch tmr! hais

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

MY GOD!!! my typed entry for today are gone~!!!!!!!!!!

1st day of orientation:

scary in the morning! tiring and super tiring in the end of the day!
got to NYP with huiqi by my father's ride.

got there.. omg! it's damny damny damn scary~ hahaha.
then got to Q up according to courses and then go into the audiotrium
for cheers and then get to know our OGL leaders that will be guiding us for these 2 days.
both of them are nice xD. one of them kept tomato here n tomato there when he saw me. =/
then had talks until 12 and got lunchtime.

anyway* ahem! my personal mentor,my leaders and my class call me by TOMATO!!! hahahahaa
but some of the gals know my real name as well as the leader. lols

then after lunch, is station games. that's the time where i started to get to chat with all the girls in my class. =D
kinda fun actually. then played taboo.

well. tomato this name got disadvantage too.
easy to remember.! >:
then when playing taboo, OGL asked if who will be the 2nd person and the 1st person that is playing called me. aiyooooo... lols

then after that is still station games. ice breakers and animal games.
i dont like playing wacko(one of the ice breakers game) using french loaf! who lose shall eat some of the loaf. and the class need to finish up the whole loaf. well. im always the dangerous man but make it without being kana everytime EXCEPT for THAT ONE TIME! when i was looking at other class then when i turned back i kana!!!!!!!!!! arwf~ and i did a over reacted action. cos when it's my turn, the loaf left bits and pieces. then i over reacted and threw towards a guy and hit the wall. oopsy =X i think that guy must hate me alot alot alot =X

and im the dangerous person cos the guys esp the 3 hokkien ahpek kept calling my name when they was abt to kana~! hais. therefore, im the dangerous ones. the gals also kept calling my name! haiyo.. haha

the 3 hokkien ahpek is a disaster. three of them kept being noisy and playing ard and chatted in HOKKIEN MOST OF THE TIMES!!!! noisy~

there's no shuai ge in my class. )= not even a decent and not bad looking one. sadded )=

then games games games. and met up with our personal mentor which is like our form tcher.
and these all ends at 7+. tiring!!!!!

my legs had turned jellied.

i need to prepare stuff for tmr's business games and need to bring extra clothing tmr cos tmr is a day full of sports games and water games. hais )=

Saturday, April 08, 2006

it's friday!
2 more days and i'll need to say byebye to the cc.
the cc aunties and uncles. =(
the everytime will came and ask if we have eaten uncle =(
the every wed badminton uncle 'cute tee' =(
the white hair ahgong i love on wed =(
the muscular badminton uncle =(
the MP's helper guy that will wave at me whenever he came =(
the indian member of the cc =(
the tall guy with nice hair =(
the 2 permanent cleaner uncles =(
the marble eye baby n ah gong!!! =(
the dancing aunties =(

and those uncles n aunties that are nice to me. lols

even my superviser said i seems to be making alot of uncles and aunties friends over at the cc. hahahahaha
the cute tee uncle even ask me to play badminton. lols!

hmmm hmm.

was on the way to hosp(my parents)
so i drop by at far east ne.
gotten fred perry bag xD
(huiqi:hohoho.i get the bag i like 1st =p. cannot say i ps u. cos i'm still waiting for u to buy together.dont worry ne~!)
the guy is funny.
he asked if im eyeing on that bag for the 1st time.
and then he let me chose a free badge :D
and said that he that day woke up early so open shop early.
if not i wont be getting any chance to get my bag that day.
shopping alone ne =p
while waiting for parents ma
then gotten a shade and 2 socks. =)

ive got to really control my money.
shall just spent my last 100+ on my last bits and pieces of the things i want le

liqi was back from thai le! =D
hehehehehe =)

last bits and pieces of things i wanna get :

then met up wif bingxian at the evening.
lols. funny time. we knew each other for 2yrs+
and we havent met up once. lols.
im his tcher ne
passed him my notes for him to study.

he's tall ar. i still tot he small size ne =p

today. work as usual.
back to 2 ppl in a shift.
i really need to sue him for abusing small kid.
and he's a pro.
i really can win him in any games we played.
hais... =(

tmr is sat! marble eye baby!!!!!!!! =D

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

working as usual

working as usual. went to make new specs in the morning before going to work.
then started working not long and saw susanti walking towards me. hahaha.
she's cute larr. despite her sore throat still chats with me. haha =)

then work as usual. was really crazy with nurul and liyana. hahaha..

wanna get fred perry totebag this coming thurs.
cos am off on thurs! saw one nice one that day.
hope still have... =/



Monday, April 03, 2006

moody. moodless . sad
since ytd. moodswings? probably.

rainy days just suits my feelings and mood these few days. =(


working ytd. or shld say even working on 1st apr on the progress package.
this coming week is going to be my last week working!
gona miss the aunties and uncles at the cc.
the uncle that will say hi and ask if we have eaten wheneve he walk pass
the marble-eye baby and his ah gong
the badminton uncle that nurul called him wearing cute shirt
the badminton fit uncle
my favourite ah gong on every wed

a few aunties that appear in the cc everyweek.

HAIS!! haha