Friday, April 14, 2006

yesterday was tiring and quite fun.
got school at 8.45. met up with my classmates and then we proceed to be assemble.
starting with cheers and cheers and cheers. tiring~!
whatever clap,adidas clap etc..

then started playing water games!
hahaha. i was totally WET!
cos i together with cheney and a malay gal joined the guys' team.
and our attacker from other class is more at the guys' side.
so i was WET totally and get file. haha

then was playing the water mine game and then had lunch.
ate lunch at the canteen.

after that we played the amazing race. it's tiring.
we need to hold each other's hand or put hands on the shoulder
and complete mission given.
some seniors will be the ''terroists'' and they will catch anyone
when they see u letting go. they are cunning too. ''terroists'' will pretend to say excuse me and try to squeeze through to make u let go of ur hand. hahaha. cunning~

the most tiring is when we need to walk to sch of engineering! to find the bball court! argh~!
tiring with our bags on somemore.

then after that is the business game and that ends our day.

yingying and me was afew of our class representative that needs to perform together with other marketing class' representative. gona represent marketing course for performance. haiya~!!!!
and this coming wed is the audition. zzzz if we get in successfully, we will need to perform at jam n hop.
our class mr and ms freshie also need to go through auditions. hhmmmm.. haha

so left the poly at ard 7+ going to 8. hais. late~ poly is kinda quiet already. haha
was tired.
took train home with yingying and huiqi (=

need to go sch tmr! hais

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