Wednesday, April 19, 2006

wednesday.. it's fast!
36 more days to my birthday. haha
frens, who wanna celebrate with me? seems that no frens celebrate bday with me before. lols!

schooling today. stomach groaned during com lab session. luckily not that loud! hais.
studied IT web and internet. omg~! all about domain names,IP address etc. *faints* somemore common test on this is near~

then had lunch. STUPID~! peak hours again. it's fully packed. and we need to takeaway and eat at shelter AGAIN~

after lunch, walked to our tutorial room. and guess what? our tutor is not here today!!! muahahha. means today no lesson and there will be make up session. means we are released at 12! so we together went to the cca crawl. super crowded and noisy inside the sports hall. was walking ard aimlessly. then joined kendo. many many ccas to choose from! hahahaha. was actually intending to join sakuran japanese cultural club too. but didn't. shall see how then le nor.

stayed back at the sports hall with sijia and kelly. cos both of them wanted to join foreign bodies which is hip hop dance and at 1.30 there will be a performance by them. so both sijia and kelly wanted to watch.
so accompanied them as later also got rehearsal. was standing there and suddenly someone grabbed my neck from behind. i was shocked and turned away and it was xavier. pls man... =.=

he joined bball and need to get through selection. tsk tsk tsk. lols. may he not be selected =X
and huiqi, he gotten a green crumpler bag! the giina with 3 strain of hairs. lols. he's rich. say wanna buy and really bought it. lols....

and then kelly say sijia is interested in xavier. intro intro to sijia. hahahahahaha. lols..

and after all these. my mood was suddenly super low .. superx3.
and both kelly and me did smthg =X im uneasy.

go home with kelly.
got home rest abit then go orchard. in the bus alone and liqi called me. so she is joining me =D
but sorry ne.. make liqi came to orchard with a heavyx3 bag and then she nvr buy anything.. sorry o...
bought a guys' sweater. heartache now~

then back to fajar mac. liqi doing her hmwrk. ate mac and then liting joined us.
then i go off first.


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