Wednesday, April 12, 2006

MY GOD!!! my typed entry for today are gone~!!!!!!!!!!

1st day of orientation:

scary in the morning! tiring and super tiring in the end of the day!
got to NYP with huiqi by my father's ride.

got there.. omg! it's damny damny damn scary~ hahaha.
then got to Q up according to courses and then go into the audiotrium
for cheers and then get to know our OGL leaders that will be guiding us for these 2 days.
both of them are nice xD. one of them kept tomato here n tomato there when he saw me. =/
then had talks until 12 and got lunchtime.

anyway* ahem! my personal mentor,my leaders and my class call me by TOMATO!!! hahahahaa
but some of the gals know my real name as well as the leader. lols

then after lunch, is station games. that's the time where i started to get to chat with all the girls in my class. =D
kinda fun actually. then played taboo.

well. tomato this name got disadvantage too.
easy to remember.! >:
then when playing taboo, OGL asked if who will be the 2nd person and the 1st person that is playing called me. aiyooooo... lols

then after that is still station games. ice breakers and animal games.
i dont like playing wacko(one of the ice breakers game) using french loaf! who lose shall eat some of the loaf. and the class need to finish up the whole loaf. well. im always the dangerous man but make it without being kana everytime EXCEPT for THAT ONE TIME! when i was looking at other class then when i turned back i kana!!!!!!!!!! arwf~ and i did a over reacted action. cos when it's my turn, the loaf left bits and pieces. then i over reacted and threw towards a guy and hit the wall. oopsy =X i think that guy must hate me alot alot alot =X

and im the dangerous person cos the guys esp the 3 hokkien ahpek kept calling my name when they was abt to kana~! hais. therefore, im the dangerous ones. the gals also kept calling my name! haiyo.. haha

the 3 hokkien ahpek is a disaster. three of them kept being noisy and playing ard and chatted in HOKKIEN MOST OF THE TIMES!!!! noisy~

there's no shuai ge in my class. )= not even a decent and not bad looking one. sadded )=

then games games games. and met up with our personal mentor which is like our form tcher.
and these all ends at 7+. tiring!!!!!

my legs had turned jellied.

i need to prepare stuff for tmr's business games and need to bring extra clothing tmr cos tmr is a day full of sports games and water games. hais )=

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