first time i have so many papers UNFINISHED!
POA section B, biology section B, maths p2 section B
etc... arwf~! )=
first time i cant finished so many papers.
gona die and get punch by teachers already.

hmm. well. things are slightly better each day
between us. kindof scared~ =S

but hope things will get better and better!
hmm. 2 more days and prelims will be over.
gosh~! singapore have no more nice places to go!
get bored of these usual places already..
but hope changes will come soon.
like faerie wheel and indoor rainforest and stuff.
yeap! by that time, gona have more places to go
and play =D
cousin having her wedding soon.
gona spent money to buy clothes already..
gosh~! at raffles the plaza. dotx.
but not bad. cocktails are served! =D
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